Monday, September 10, 2007

hEllo woRld

(Photo Editing: Nicole Hanusek)
Hello, everybody. My name is Oliver, but you can also call me Olly. I'm a chihuahua puppy who is ten weeks old. I love my daddy, my uncle Jerry, my first daddies Desi and Jay, liver treats, carrots with peanut butter, kong toys, the Indigo Girls, and drinking water from a shot glass on Daddy's lap. I also love my Auntie Leah and my uncles Nathan and Kris. I love my Papaw Terry and my Mema Colleen.

And liver treats.

Oh, and CHEEZBURGERS that squeak!


leah shafer said...

Oliver! did you have some fries with that cheezburger?

Unknown said...

HI OlLy! HaVe youR DadDy geT you some oF thoSe good livEr tReats from doWn on the Wharf!
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