Tuesday, September 25, 2007

tHe pUPerazZi

sO tHerE we ArE, mE anD dAddY on a sAturdAy morNinG, wAlkiNg doWn thE strEeT. dAddY sHouLd haVe wasHed his HaiR, buT i don'T minD. i LikE tO cheW on daDdy'S hAir wHetHer it'S dirTy or Clean--plUs he doeSn'T minD sO muCh if I cHew iT wHen he tHinKs it looKs baD anyWay.

bESideS, we'Re juSt goInG to tHe coRneR sTore whEre unCle fReD wiLL givE me a tReaT, anD maYbe thE vidEo sTorE wheRe i miGht geT a bisCuiT. nO neEd to loOk ouR beSt. wHo will sEe us anD maKe daDdy feeL all ugLy anD emBaraSsed whEn we ArE jUst waLkinG in thE neIghboRhood?

thE pUpeRazZi, tHaT's wHo! tHeY'rE eVerYwheRe! i Don'T mInD beCauSe i gRooM mySelF rEally carefulLy, buT daDdy saId he doEsn'T evEn looK in tHe mirroR eVery dAy sinCe he got Me. (I don'T knOw whAt a miRror is yeT, buT i heaR daDdy taLk abouT "the miRror" whEn he'S comPlaininG abouT hiS haiR.) pLuslY, i gEt a LoT moRe slEep thAn dadDy doEs 'cAusE i'm sTilL a pUppY.

aNyWay, tHiS timE thE pUperaZzi wEre twO niCe, pRettY auNties naMeD loUrdEs and suSana. tHey sNapPed a pHoto wHile I waS yawniNg, tHen theY weRe so NicE they senT it tO mY eMaiL aCcouNt anD we goT it oN mOndAy!

wHen we Got iT, i ShoWed it tO daDdY and hE saId, "oH, oLiveR, I looK tErriBLe, buT yoU loOk adOraBLe!" i diDn'T wanT daDdy to fEel saD, so I gavE him wAggiEs... tHey aLwaYs makE hiM feEl betteR; i cAn tElL.


Anonymous said...

oliver, you look adorable and your daddy looks just fine. I think he's trying to grow a coat of hair that looks as good as yours. I am glad to hear you are making friends wherever you go!
Auntie Leah

Unknown said...

Oh Olly! You and dad look great! When daddy is sad he doesn't need waggies, he needs a woman. See if you can't find one for him!
love you both!